Study Now and Pay Later

How can I Study Now and Pay Later for NSW Short Courses?

December 13, 2021
Many jobs in hospitality, security and construction require you to complete a government mandated short course before you can begin working. RSA, RCG, construction industry white card, first aid and CPR are just a few of the certificates you might require before you can start receiving a paycheck in many industries. In this short article we’ll walk you through our Study Now, Pay Later
Responsible Gambling essentials for hotel workers

Responsible Gambling Essentials for NSW Hotel Workers

December 9, 2021
Do you work at a licensed pub in NSW? Chances are your venue has poker machines as well as other gambling services for patrons. In today’s blog, we’re looking at eleven (11) essentials from the Responsible Conduct of Gambling course (RCG) that all NSW hotel workers should know. This blog will help you serve your customers in accordance with the law.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Top 8 Skills You Learn in First Aid Training

December 3, 2021
When accidents happen on worksites, it’s great to know some basic first aid skills so you can offer medical assistance before the professionals arrive and take over. The good news is that most basic first aid techniques are easy to learn and master and are taught in basic first aid training courses. One of the most useful first aid skills you will learn is how to administer CPR.
RSA and RCG Training for hospitality staff

Do Hospitality staff need RSA and RCG Training?

November 29, 2021
Hospitality workers in NSW are required by law to hold a current RSA (Responsible Services of Alcohol) competency card when working at pubs, clubs, casinos, restaurants, and other venues that serve alcohol. And in some cases, where gambling Is present, they need to have completed RCG (Responsible Conduct of Gambling) training as well.
security licence in NSW

How to Apply for a Security Licence in NSW

November 24, 2021
Thinking about becoming a licenced security guard or crowd controller in NSW? This quick guide outlines the 9 essential steps to get your Class 1 A, C, E security licence and launch your career. Let’s go.
First Aid and CPR training courses updates

2021 Updates to First Aid and CPR Training Courses

November 9, 2021
Updates to nationally recognised first aid courses in 2021 In Australia, first aid and CPR training is regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). This ensures that students learn the latest medical procedures and your course certificates are recognised by employers right across Australia. Each 12-24 months, the structure and content of these nationally […]
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Vigil Training College
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