Ever wondered if you need an RCG competency card? If you hold any of these 10 job roles you will greatly benefit from responsible gambling training. This blog provides a quick overview of each job and the relevance of RCG.
Gaming attendants work with poker machines in the gaming rooms of pubs, clubs, and casinos. They provide personalised machine service: rectifying faults, processing pay-out slips, and collecting credits after a win.
Customer service is a big part of a gaming attendant’s job. RCG training is critical because the attendants are in such close contact with gaming machine players and are often witnesses to problem gambling behaviour. At the same time a gaming attendant must provide gaming service in strict accordance with NSW gambling legislation.
Security guards and crowd controllers who work on licensed premises that sell gaming services need RCG. They are responsible for patron behaviour and enforcing NSW liquor and gaming laws.
A big part of responsible gambling is ensuring that certain people do not enter gaming areas such as minors, excluded patrons, intoxicated persons, and (in clubs) non-members who have not signed in. Security personnel patrol both the interior and exterior of a venue, enforcing entry restrictions and gambling exclusions.
The Club General Manager oversees the entire venue and is usually the licensee. They are responsible for the club’s overall compliance with liquor and gaming laws.
Club Managers must have an advanced knowledge of RCG harm minimisation strategies, gambling legislation, and staff training requirements. They will ensure the club has a training register which ensures each staff member holds an appropriate RCG and RSA competency card.
Hotel Duty Managers are hands-on managers that (depending on the time of day) may be in charge of the entire venue during their shift. They will ensure that beverage staff, gaming staff, door staff, security personnel, and cashiers all work together to enforce NSW gaming legislation.
In the absence of the Gaming Manager, a Duty Manager may be required to meet with a gambling patron or follow up a gambling incident. They will also assist with restocking gaming brochure displays and problem gambling signage.
Gaming Managers are directly responsible for the operations of the gaming room and need an in-depth knowledge of gambling legislation and RCG best practices.
They collate gambling incident reports, act as Customer Liaison Officer (CLO), and meet with patrons to discuss exclusions and harm minimisation strategies.
Gaming Managers also ensure the gaming room displays the correct signage, stickers, and brochures.
If you work in the beverage department of a hotel, club, or casino an RCG certificate will definitely help you do your job better, plus make you more employable. Bar attendants serve drinks from the bar, (sometimes) provide table service, as well as clear empty glasses from other areas of the hotel (including gaming rooms).
Bar attendants must know how to strictly enforce responsible service of alcohol and assist in ensuring that intoxicated patrons are not permitted to gamble.
Sometimes patrons who are having trouble controlling their gambling quietly reach out to beverage attendants when they are clearing glasses and cleaning up. RCG training will teach you how to respond properly while maintaining the privacy of the patron.
The club receptionist processes membership applications, handles bookings, answers the phone, and often screens patrons entering the venue. A club receptionist may be asked for information about responsible gaming policies and brochures.
RCG training is essential so the receptionist can properly screen guests, issue the correct RCG brochures, and ensure that excluded patrons are not allowed into restricted areas.
Hotel cashiers provide change and payment services to hotel patrons as well as stocking the hotel tills with money and loose change. They process gaming pay-outs and sometimes stock and balance hotel ATMs with cash.
RCG is essential for hotel cashiers because they have to enforce NSW gaming legislation and ensure that patrons do not access funds from credit cards or exceed cheque cashing limits.
Door staff at gaming venues meet and greet patrons as they enter the building. At registered clubs they also screen patrons for membership cards and have non-members sign the guest registry.
If a patron has an active gaming exclusion in place, they are legally not permitted to enter the venue (or certain areas), and door staff will need proper RGC training to ensure these restrictions are enforced respectfully and in accordance with the law.
Being on the Board or Executive Committee of a licensed club is technically not a job, but you will still benefit from RCG training. Part of your role as a director is ensuring the club operates legally and responsibly and knowledge of problem gambling and NSW gaming legislation will help you make more informed decisions in the Board room.
If you need to do NSW responsible gambling training check the latest course dates here at Vigil. Our qualified trainers have real-world hospitality experience and have actually worked at gaming venues in the state. Get your RCG card with the professionals and get working in NSW hospitality.