Aged Care Course: Online vs Classroom

May 14, 2022
Aged Care Course: Online vs Classroom

Are you wanting to enrol in the Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) but not sure whether to study online or attend face-to-face classes?

This blog unpacks some of the key considerations when choosing between an online program or classroom-based training. Both learning modes have their benefits, but the best option for you will depend on your location, schedule, and individual learning style.

1. Location

Your location is an important consideration when enrolling in a full certificate course like the Certificate III in Individual Support. Our training rooms are in Western Sydney (Parramatta) and undertaking the course in the classroom will require you to visit our campus once a week for 12 weeks

You’ll have to factor in the course timetable (being late isn’t cool), your distance from campus, commute times, petrol, fares, and parking. Plus, the government can implement a COVID19 restriction without notice -- so this can change your ability to attend classes.

Studying online is much more flexible as you can do all the learning from home, at a time that suits you. It’s a perfect option if you are working full-time or have family commitments during the day. But there are downsides as well.

You’ll need to consider your WIFI connection, study location, distractions, and time management skills. It will be difficult to study effectively if you live in a place filled with noisy housemates or don’t have stable internet.

2. Schedule

How are your time management skills? Your second consideration is finding time to study. If you’re not self-motivated or prefer working to a fixed schedule you might prefer classroom training.

Attending classes at the same time each week keeps you focused on your studies and ensures that activities and assignments are always up-to-date.

Online training is the ultimate in flexibility as there are no time constraints, but you will be responsible for staying on track with your studies and getting your assessment tasks submitted on-time.

3. Teacher

What type of learner are you? Auditory? Visual? Read/Write or Kinaesthetic?  Your individual learning style can determine whether you learn best on your own or in group classes with a live instructor.

Having a qualified teacher with actual workplace experience can greatly improve your learning experience as they are on-hand to:

  • Answer questions about the course requirements.
  • Provide feedback on your progress, classwork, and career development.
  • Give you the opportunity and confidence to participate in group activities.
Aged Care Course: Online vs Classroom

4. Relationships

Building relationships with other students can be one of the most exciting aspects of group training. Not only will you graduate with a shiny Certificate III in Individual Support but you’ll have a whole batch of new friends too. For extroverts it’s an amazing experience, but it doesn’t appeal everyone.

If you’re busy, introverted, already have an established network of friends, or just need your qualification fast, you may find the group dynamic a hassle.

Online training means you don’t have to wait for ‘LateJane’ to finish lunch or listen to long flowery answers from ‘AnnoyingJim’. You can just turn on your computer and get on with it.

5. Access

If you need 24/7 access to your learning materials, then online training is hands-down the best option for you. Once you enrol you can start training immediately, unlike classroom-based training where you might have to wait days (or even weeks) for the next batch intake.

Studying online means you can do your training anywhere, anytime and you can keep studying if you:

  • Get sick or are forced into quarantine.
  • Need to travel for work or family.
  • Have commitments during the day and only available nights or weekends.
  • Are stuck somewhere because of lockdowns.

Even better, your modules and supporting resources are all in one place. When it comes time for an assessment task (or you just want to review a lesson), everything is very easy to find.

More Information?

So, what do you think? Are you ready to enrol in your Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)? Check our upcoming course dates, chat with our support team, or enrol online right now. With online learning you could start your training today.

NSW Master License No
410 519 198
Aged Care Course: Online vs Classroom
Level 2, 12-14 Wentworth St, 
Parramatta NSW 2150
1800 97 97 66
Aged Care Course: Online vs ClassroomAged Care Course: Online vs Classroom
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