One of the most common questions we get asked here at Vigil Training is ‘do I need a White Card?’.
To help out, this brief article unpacks and explains (Q&A style) the different job roles that may require a NSW construction induction training course. Let’s start with age.
In NSW, you must be over 14 years of age to get a White Card.
Do you work in any of the following job roles or scenarios?
Anyone directly employed in the NSW construction industry will require a White Card. This includes:
Even if you dont work in the construction industry, you’ll need a White Card if your job regularly takes you onto a construction site.
You might be a delivery driver, security guard, or IT cabler, but you’ll need to know and easily identify common workplace hazards.
Other job roles can include:
The NSW government has no specific definition of ‘other people’ who need to access a construction site. But White Cards may also be relevant for: inspectors, WHS Officials, local government operatives, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Representatives, trainers, and counsellors.
Once you get a White Card, it (potentially) remains valid for your whole working life. Unless you leave the construction industry.
If it’s been more than 2 years since you were on a construction site, you’ll need to update your training and get another card.
One-off visitors to a construction site who are accompanied by a qualified person generally don’t need a White Card. Some delivery drivers and salespeople may also be exempt if the site has an active visitor management plan and a risk assessment indicates that risks have been suitably controlled.
Get your NSW White Card this weekend at Vigil Training College in Parramatta. We run courses every single week and can issue your statement of attainment on the spot. You’ll also benefit from our professional trainers who have years of construction industry experience. Browse upcoming course dates online here online or shoot us an email for more information.